
A selection of recent projects

Pay Day Robo

Pay Day Robo

Built for Alberta's largest student run hackathon. Each month, PayDayRobo sends the optimal number of shares to sell in an ETF portfolio to the users via SMS or email. It efficiently minimize the commission and allocation error using a genetic algorithm.

Locker Registrar

Locker Registrar

An e-commerce software using Google Form, App Script, Cloud SQL, and Square Inc. APIs to register and rent lockers under student clubs’ control in the ETLC building. Completed the prototype personally, and now collaborating with the other ECE Clubs as the project manager.

Index AI

Index AI

A failed attempt to predict the market. Using popular tools such as scikit-learn and TensorFlow with Keras, applied models like Random Forest, XGBoost, MLP, CNN, etc. Learned important lessons in terms of data wrangling and the limitations of machine learning.



A JavaScript web app using Leaflet with datasets from Edmonton’s Open Data Program to show the city’s property assessments and allows users to compare between different years while also enabling the user to filter data by property values, land size, and zoning. The idea of this project originated from house hunting with my parent in 2016.

Canada Travel Advisory

Canada Travel Advisory

Presents the travel advisories in an easy to access map! Before COVID became a pandemic, Canadians were advised not to travel to countries with high risk of infection. Using Google App Script, I scrape the data from the Official Global Travel Advisories daily and mapped them on Tableau Public