About Me

(in about 229 words)


I’m a machine learning engineer at DrugBank working on end-to-end projects from planning, research, experiment, and development to deployment. Primarily focus on NLP (natural language processing) problems using a mix of state-of-the-art (LLM, BERT, BART, etc) and traditional bag-of-words (term frequency + SVM) approaches, but also work on data science projects from time to time to support data-driven decision-making!


Besides the projects I publish, I’m also always working on some small side projects. Playing around with my Ender 3 3D printer and 3018 Pro CNC machine is something that I would do for fun.

Currently, I'm deep in the world of body-cream-making to combat Alberta's dry air in winter. It makes me feel like a bit of a mad chemist when I'm cooking up the newest formula (but unfortunately, it also involves washing a lot of dishes)

Fun facts

Dolphin (left) and Whale (right) chasing an orange ball in the snow
  • I have 2 Shiba Inus, Whale and Dolphin
  • I own a Nikon D5100 DSLR camera, which I shoot the two aforementioned doges primarily, but sometimes landscapes as well
  • Once upon a time, I actively practiced western concert flute for 8 years, and now I'm trying to pick it up again!